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ESSEX, MASSACHUSETTS: Welcome to Essex, Massachusetts, home to Woodman’s, where they invented the New England style deep fried clam! During our trip to New England we were not going to miss this opportunity to eat the king of deep fried seafood, and we got a gigantic $284.75 Fisherman’s Platter!
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🔹 Follow Jeffrey Merrihue: https://www.instagram.com/jeffrey_merrihue/ - Stop by at Heroic Italian (https://g.page/heroicitalian?share) in Santa Monica and say Hi to Jeffrey!
Woodman's of Essex (https://g.page/woodmansofessex?share) Total price - $284.75 - We arrived to Woodman's of Essex, ready to devour some deep fried seafood. As the true story goes, back in 1916 Lawrence "Chubby" Woodman and his wife Bessie had a cart and sold fresh clams and deep fried potato chips. One day one of his fisherman friends told him to deep fry some clams in the potato chip oil. It was almost a joke - they said it was something humorous, but after trying it, they realized they might be onto something. They invented and popularized the fried clam. To this day, the original fried clam is available at Woodman's of Essex and it’s as good as it’s ever been.
At Woodman’s they also have a host of other deep fried seafood, including clam strips, scallops, shrimp, and fish, plus onion rings and fries. We decided to order a huge fisherman’s platter, including a mix of everything piled high onto Jeffrey’s lobster tray.
While all the seafood at Woodman's of Essex is delicious and remarkably deep fried and crispy, still nothing beats the deep fried clams - the original deep fried clams.
Kelly's Roast Beef (https://goo.gl/maps/9fiUWiJMWFYnz4Y98) Price - $14.02 meal combo - next up on this mini tour, just down the Massachusetts coast I stopped at Kelly's Roast Beef, legendary for their roast beef sandwich. It was every bit as good as I was hoping it to be and everything it needed to be. Don’t miss it when you visit Massachusetts!
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in boston massachusetts, but today we're driving a little bit outside of the city to a place called essex where they actually invented deep, fried clams chubby's original fried clams, and not only are we going to try their deep, fried clams, which have been Served for over 100 years, but they have everything from the seed deep, fried possible that you can imagine. They are masters of deep, fried seafood, we're going to order this gigantic fisherman's platter. That might be the biggest mountain of friedness that i've ever seen on.

One single tray and i'm gon na share all of the seafood with you all of the fried clams with you coming up right now in this video, it has to be one of the most historical one of the greatest institution, restaurants. In all of massachusetts, we came mostly for the fried clams they invented. The fried clams. Tell you all about that, and the steamed clams, but just walking up you'll, see that they have lobsters on the outside.

Jeffrey was just mentioning that you can get a live lobster. They'll boil it here and then you take it inside, but inside is where you get the clams correct, woodman's, wood. Let's do this in the rough in the rough. I love it, it's not in the smoothie.

No, this is it's a destination iconic, it's another landmark of a new england, restaurant chubby's original, fried clams. That's exactly what we came for the chubby's original. Oh man, immediately open the doors and there's this poof of deep, fried cloud. A cloud of deep, fried dish just hits your nostrils, it smells so good.

You know they know how to deep fry some things here. It was in 1916. I believe when chubby woodman he started off. Originally, i believe, selling potato chips, he deep-fried potato chips and he also had fresh clams on the side because they have.

This is the clam flats. Some of the best clams in massachusetts come from here right all right, fried clamstein, the originals on the dots all right. All right, ready, yep, fresh clams. Thank you, oh they're, gon na be so good, so fresh, oh yeah can't wait to try them steamed ones.

You call steamers. Is it the same type of climb as the fried one same clam? Okay, so fresh clams, gon na steam? Now nice just goes directly into the steamer and how long do these steam for 10 minutes 10 minutes cool? Of course, at one time right? What type of sauce is this tartar sauce? Okay, i'm gon na snack one in the kitchen real fast before we order more! That is a beautiful plump clam though fresh hot, fried clam. Oh wow yeah, it's crispy, it just kind of melts in your mouth. At the same time, it's hot, it's fresh, oh wow! That is extraordinary.

The wooden. How many years has it been jeffrey? 20 years? 20 years since in chubby women, here's to chubby and bessie - oh they're, perfect they're, perfect yeah, they're insane yeah. Oh those are that's the best fried clam ever ever. What i love about.
It is they're big enough clams to the point where it's crispy on the outside. Yet so juicy it's almost an oysteriness on the inside like that that melt in your mouth, like concentrated, seafoody delicious. Oh, it's so good that contrast, wow all right, ready, 10 minutes later hot fresh, an entire tray of clams wow hot, fresh steamed clams. I know i mean fried: clams are almost unbeatable, but steamed clams is just the pureness of the clams that smells so good that clam steam.

We have decided to take jeffrey's lobster tray and just pile it in a massive mountain of deep, fried seafood. Everything from fish to the clams to everything else, deep, fried that they have and just a mountain, a tray of everything, deep fried so on this tray, we're getting scallops shrimp, clams, chicken, fish strips rings and fries a 284 platter. Have you guys ever had a request? Like this before, not while i've been here, i'm sure yes it is that goes on. Is there scallops? Oh, that's the biggest mountain of deep friedness.

I've ever seen. You guys are engineers. Okay, these are clam. Strips is the final.

You need to actually press it in for it to stick wow well done. Thank you guys. So much there's even chicken strips on there there's clam strips there's clam bodies. There's onion rings, there's a pile there's a mountain of french fries at the bottom.

That might be the biggest hello that might be the biggest mountain of friedness that i've ever seen on one single tray nice to meet you guys, hello. This is how did you get upstairs? Yeah? Okay, thank you. Yeah you're, the man. You are the man! Thank you for kindly carrying this upstairs for us.

Thank you enjoy wow. It was jeffrey's idea, ten pounds of fried gon na get enough ten pounds of friedness yeah. I think looking measure it's an entire head high, that's just height! That's just elevation, not circumference. Oh, it's heavy.

It's ten pounds of seafood well, fries too, but told them whatever we don't need. The staff is gon na get and the clowns. Yes, it's kind of sad and small, it's minuscule, that's a normal plate of food. Luckily, we have some reinforcements to help us eat alex nice to meet you ready for this.

I am so looking forward to this. I didn't eat for the last 10 hours in preparation fried seafood in monumental proportions, but we're going to start with what we've already tried. Some of the fried clams, so, let's start with the steamed, the steamers boom dip in there steamers and they call them steamers. You pull off that little membrane from the top there you squeeze it and it usually should just slide off like that.

Perfect then, you've got that takes off the kind of sandy area of the neck. Then you got the neck dipping into the clam juice to get off any excess sand into the butter. Oh wow yeah, that's just a perfect clam here. Oh, this one's huge kind of got ta wiggle it up off a little and then it just really slides off nicely.
Oh that one had a big belly. Oh that's the belly right when you get that kind of. Oh the belly's incredible. It is a little bit of a different texture.

That's not only did you have strips where they cut off the belly. It's like what's that about yeah belly is where it's at the fried seafood, the tartar sauce, which is the standard sauce that they serve with the fried clams, and then the cocktail sauce, which is a little lighter and more of a refreshing sauce. I think there's at least a few pounds of fish below there hidden treasure we're gon na have to dig for some things. I think you have to eat your way through to get to it.

You just pick up a fistful and see what you get it's kinda, weird, okay, i'm just grabbing whatever i get. I think i got strips, possibly some shrimp. Oh it's so good! Okay, these are for sure the best fried clams i've ever had anywhere ever in my life, i've tunneled into the platter tunneled in looking for the face. What did you discover? No, the fish was like these huge strips.

Oh my god. This is like a lazy susan, but the whole thing is it's one revolvable thing look at that shrimp. I'm gon na try a onion ring. This is a fresh pina colada on the house, for you guys to try yeah a couple of straws here.

Try an onion ring: oh wow, that's one of the crispiest onions you'll ever have it's so crispy onion just melts in your mouth, so good! No, the fish were neatly placed over the fries on one side. I remember yeah, it's like having a treasure map. Wait or is it? Could it be? Oh, this one is fish. I see it.

I see it. I see here's the fish, here's the fish. I found it. I found it.

These are all strips uh. There we go. Oh, oh, look at that the juicy fish underneath it underneath that batter that deep friedness should i set a fellow fish on top of this mountain. Oh my god! Oh look at that fish yeah! It's so tender! Look at that! It's just pure pure white meat flesh, fish, deep, fried and flaky, i'm gon na dip into the tartar into the cocktail sauce.

Did you have it? Oh the cocktail sauce with that horseradish in it. It's so good! You did a mix. All the fish is amazing. It's so flaky and just kind of completely dissolves in your mouth.

Fish is great, so good here, there's another filet coming up. Oh, we haven't really tried a scallop either right have you found? Have it has anyone? Has anyone located a scallop yet there's some over here? You look like two got a twist: oh yeah. It says in the northeast on the northwest of the platter, the supply of of um, oh yeah, there's a hole, there's a whole two pounds of scallops below right here, i'm gon na dip that into the i love this cocktail sauce. So fresh and refreshing yeah cheers welcome to the club silky just melts in your mouth.

I love it with that cocktail. Sauce happy fourth of july to us right, silky, we'll be here until the fourth of july eating this platter ways to go. Oh, it's so good and i think we still have the shrimp to try. Oh yeah, which direction are the shrimp.
Let's try a giant one over here. Here's some shrimp, i'm definitely a cocktail sauce kind of guy love it. I think it just balances out the friedness. So well, the mountain, the mountain, all the firmness, the muscularity, the oh, the freshness of everything.

The friedness is this among the largest piles of deep friedness that you've ever seen it's among the largest piles of anything. You cannot send this picture to your doctors yeah. I do think after trying everything yeah. What do you think? What do you think it's the clam? It is the clam, but that is what oh, what are the fish? The whole belly clam too yeah yeah the whole belly clam.

That is the fish is awesome too, though, really french fries, i haven't tried the french fries, yet you can just taste there's such a depth of flavor. Remarkably, the fries, which have been completely submerged for the last 30 minutes, are still crispy like they should be soggy. Withered up but they're crispy and fresh, oh there they are they're in the tunnel. Another thing you can do is just reach your fingers in and get whatever you grab for the combination bite your crispy deep, fried joy.

I love it just really flakes up out of your mouth. Well, the fish is incredible. I think the clams are the best followed by a close second by the fish. One more thing that i wanted to say is that chubby woodman he in 1916, so he was selling fried potato chips, fresh, potato chips and it was actually a joke that one of his friends said you got.

You should deep fry the the clams and all the customers thought. Oh that's a horrible idea, but it was actually a joke. They thought it would be humorous humorous to fry some clams, so chubby eventually did it figured out that he stumbled into a great idea. They tried it, they loved it and it's just been a sensation ever since 1916., and everyone in new england has copied him, but he invented these fried clams, chubby, still family owned, fourth generation, the definition of a culinary institution of massachusetts, the world's greatest fried clams.

Still in the place that they have originated where they were invented first, they still do them the best. Is there an argument to that? There's not even the best. The best and you're alex is from massachusetts. Is there an argument to still hold up? It still holds up, nobody has able to been take taken down the woodman's fried clams.

How did it feel, but it still holds up. Oh man, you start to get the deep fried sweats. Oh my god. Yes, so of course we, the three of us well, the four of us, didn't finish that entire giganormous fisherman's platter, but jeffrey went downstairs stairs.

We shared it with all of the staff and they happily are eating. So, first of all, when they came in they applauded at how well we did that's awesome and then they were like so you're taking it with you and they're gon na know we're leaving it off even like oh well, big. Thank you to the staff to the management to the everyone at woodman's, so nice, so friendly legendary place to continue this food tour. Just a little bit, we decided to drive not too far of a drive down the coast to a place called revere beach, we're just outside of boston here and we're at a place called kelly's.
It's another massachusetts landmark of a restaurant, we're right on the beach. I mean right across the street from the beach and although they have seafood on their menu, you do not come here to eat seafood. Hello. Can i get a roast beef large, please and with all the sauces, it's kind of windy and pretty cold out here at the beach and while they do have all sorts of seafood on their menu from lobster rolls to? Oh, they even have clams.

Here too, we're we're not eating seafood. Here we came directly to eat what is their classic their roast beef. Thank you very much. Okay, thank you.

Have a great day cannot wait to try this roast beef and they have some seating. They don't have any indoor seating. It's only uh, you walk up to the counter. You make your order, but they do have some picnic tables out here on the corner right across the street from the beach oh yeah, i got the whole meal combo, so we got onion rings as well, not that we needed anything more deep fried today.

That is a beautiful roast beef sandwich and i got it with the combo. It came with the wind, the came with onion rings and fries, and then i also got it with all the toppings as well. The provolone, i think it's the smoked, barbecue cheese, sauce, almost um lettuce, tomato onions in here and a thick mound of very finely sliced very thinly sliced roast beef. The bun is quite sturdy, topped with sesame seeds.

Look at that sauciness of that and i'm sort of just watching behind my back all the time that i'm eating here, because there's a lot of seagulls flying overhead that look like they're gon na swoop in at any time, for a bite of your roast beef. So do be careful, oh yeah! Oh that's, amazing! Oh that immediately lives up to the hype, the legend, the roast beef. Oh it's so good. The beef is so tender and so lean and so many fine thin strips of it.

You got the crunch of the onion. The that sauce, i don't know what that sauce is, but it's some kind of a smoky, slightly peppery barbecue sauce with that amount of roast beef in there too. That's what makes it so good. That's a real deal roast beef sandwich and, although you often think about eating seafood when you're next to the sea, when it comes to revere beach here in boston, i don't think you'd want to be eating anything else.

But a roast beef sandwich roast beef is the best oh cold today, but i can totally say that roast beef sandwich exceeded my expectations, so good the quality of the beef that sauce there was something magical about that sauce. I think it was just just the perfect balance of sweet tangy smoky, i think - and that was also a good contrast from that mountain of deep friedness as well, and thank you very much for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe and also click the little bell icon. So you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish goodbye from massachusetts.
I'll see you on the next video.

By Mark

13 thoughts on “$284 Fisherman’s Platter!! KING OF FRIED SEAFOOD in New England!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CARNITA GROVES says:

    Little wonder America has the worst COVID numbers in the world… as well as other major health issues. Oh well. Enjoy.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rita palmer says:

    Back in the 70s Lums on the beach in Ft Lauderdale Florida had the best fried clams!"To die for!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ataensic Media says:

    This is literally my childhood in Massachusetts… Watching this brings back memories of my entire family gathered around the table all eating fried fresh seafood from our favorite restaurant.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Joseph says:

    i would have had plates and spooned off portions onto each persons plate. would have looked better.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pot_ Head says:

    my favorite part of your videos is when you take that first bite , like its the best yu ever tasted

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Corwin says:

    Just curious, everything your doing, is it benefiting someone else. Meaning I'm this episode and several others it kinda seems like your working for " The Man". I've watched all of your entertainment, can you explain how he's making you money and not the other way?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thousand Watt Flower Pot says:

    I often wonder what his wife and son eat? Do they look at his food choices and open a sandwich lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank They Know says:

    My man you need sleep your eyes are so red get some rest. Place looks great I bet it was good.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amelia's UK interests says:

    It might taste nice but so heavily coated in flour difficult to make out what is what until you bite in to it. A couple mouth full with drink the coating flour expanded would put off eating more from the platter! The whole presentation on that platter doesn't appealing at all.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars csk colin says:

    ok so his friend took an onion ring and some other stuff then proceed to place the onion ring back onto the plate

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Smith says:

    OMG!! I can feel another Stent coming on! But I'm going to put this place on my Bucket List!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian T Neary says:

    I'm from Medford mass and live in York Maine.
    I take for granted our food, until I leave new England.
    We our lucky

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Brown says:

    LOL… your face is so greasy, I can tell you're into deep fried EVERYTHING. Wouldn't want to see your heart! The bloodshot eyes complete the picture…

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