🎥 Watch - Kacchi Biryani: https://youtu.be/6sVZr3_23Z8
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KUSHTIA, BANGLADESH - During our trip to Kushtia we spent an entire day home cooking… and it was one of the greatest food days of our trip to Bangladesh. Not only in Bangladesh, but all around the world, the greatest food experiences are often home cooking. Today we’re cooking an all out Bangladeshi fish feast from morning to night!
When you think about Bangladeshi food, you might think about the rich goat and beef dishes, but really, the most common of all foods that’s consumed daily is fish and rice. Bangladesh is blessed with an abundance of river, and seas, and fish is common around the country. So today, we’re focusing the entire day on eating Bangladeshi fish dish specialties. In the morning we had day old fermented rice with ilish, the national fish of Bangladesh. Then we went to the Kushtia market and especially headed to the fish market section to buy a variety of different fish to cook for lunch and dinner.
Aunty is such an amazing cook, she’s the person you want to be cooking for you when you’re in Kushtia! I loved how she’s so natural at cooking, from the look in her eyes you can tell that she enjoys cooking and the joy it brings to others.
One of my favorite dishes of the entire trip, in all of Bangladesh, is ilish fish cooked with fresh mustard paste and mustard oil. It’s like mustard on top of mustard and the pungent flavor is so incredibly tasty when smashed into rice.
Another incredibly special day of Bangladeshi food in Bangladesh. Thank you to Rasif’s family for the incredibly warm hospitality and delicious food!
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Petuk Couple: https://www.youtube.com/c/PetukCouple
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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day. It's mark wiens, i'm in kustia bangladesh, which is one of the cultural capitals of bangladesh, and today we have the special privilege to enjoy some amazing local bengali, home cooking, literally just melts in your mouth. It's buttery. We are gon na go to the market.

We're gon na, buy some ingredients, we're gon na cook. What an amazing dish that mustard is just incredible: it's gon na be an incredible day of food and i'm gon na share all the amazing home-cooked bengali food with you. All coming up in this video right now, the house is so cool back here with a whole courtyard and then with a whole yard, a lush yard with fruit trees, and i love this backside entrance of the house. It's so natural and jungly, and then you step into the house there's like rooms surrounding, but there's a central courtyard and then the kitchen is over on this side here, where we'll be cooking, where we'll be uh, seeing some of the food process we'll cook english match Right now and we'll have the ilish with the panta together right now for breakfast we're gon na yeah right and it's our tradition to have like pantabhat with english.

It's our it's! It's our culture! So and then, after that, we'll go to the market and that's more fishy, now we're getting more fish and we'll cook them together. Yeah, so today is going to be a full fish day: yes, full fish day and we eat luchi with various kind of dal or shrimpji, or what we call vegetables. Auntie is going to be the main chef for the day and yes, she's she's the cheeseburger. Yes, she is the pro she's, the one you want to be cooking for you when you're in kushtia right.

So we are very fortunate. Today i have auntie, not everyone is oh man. She is an amazing cook. She is an amazing cook.

You can just see her experience, so we had ilish on the very first day that we landed in bangladesh, but that was at a restaurant style where they fried it in mustard oil. This will be my first time at a home, cooked style, cumin, cumin, cumin, just ground seeds, it's so juicy too yeah. So all of the oils have come out of it. Oh and green chilies.

Yes, nothing says experience like the hand measure. She knows exactly how much she added and the mashing again the bengali gnash, what a dish and a recipe and she's so good. Then jay takes each steak piece of the ilish and just kind of massages it into that paste marinade that she made with the green chilies and some water goes in, and i love her measuring technique. She just knows exactly how much she's adding on her fingertips to every ingredient.

That's experience um. So all the pieces of fish are just slightly marinated and like layered in that paste, that fish is going to cook for about 10 minutes. It's going to like stew together and then it will be done. Ready, she's, just gon na part way through that fish is ready.

Oh man, sitting down for an absolutely amazing breakfast home, cooked everything, so we first start with the pantha okay. So this is one of the main dishes that we're eating for breakfast, and so we actually saw her prepare this last night, the night before when she took the day old, rice, leftover, rice, basically and just added water to it, put the cover on it and just Left it until this morning and that sort of like preserves the rice and also ferments it slightly, but that's a traditional part of the bengali culture, because that's how you preserve rice, yes, before refrigeration, right right before refrigeration uh, we we had this process to preserve the Food because we don't like to waste food, so we use this process to preserve it and have it as well, and it's still one of the favorite and it's especially common for breakfast, because because you made it from the night before let yesterday's rice and then you Eat it the next day for breakfast chilis and onions. Oh, i like it already: salt, okay, oh and again, the bengali smash. So you have to mash up the shallots and the chilies with your fingers into the rice, mash it all together.
Oh i love it. Oh man, this is a true, a true test of mashing a whole a whole shell head. Oh okay, you you can just uh bite it and make it smaller, and then you can smash it here. We go yeah there we go.

This is how we do it. You can already feel the oil of the shallots coming out, though, and almost making the water a little murky. Oh man yeah, it's just so simple, but so good that just always winning combination of green chilies and shallots yeah. That will never let you down and then that rice, it's it's pretty neutral tasting.

It doesn't have much of a sourness. Just like a soupy rice, i mean it's yeah, it's just like a soupy rice and it just is like very neutral tasting in the morning. Actually, now we add the smashed potato in it, we call it and you can mix that into yeah mix, that in yeah combine everything you immediately taste the mustard oil. So this is the eelish.

This is the fish that she just cooked down, with jira paste and with turmeric salt and a little bit of oil and green chilies. Oh thank you right into your rice, green chilies as well. Thank you, oh man, in your fingertips. You can feel how buttery that fish is.

Oh man, the illish and you do have to be careful of the little the little bones in the english right. Yeah hmm. This is so comforting yeah. This is delicious.

I love the texture of elish and it does have a very unique, almost a milky texture to it. Yeah oh shallots, are amazing. Yeah, there's nothing like waking up with just crunching into shallots for breakfast the belly section of the fish down there, where it's even more buttery and more like creamy in texture, the butteriness of that that fish. Ah, this is like breakfast round two totally a totally different set of dishes we're moving on to the either we do this kind of setup or this kind of food or all that kind of okay.
But we were just fortunate and lucky to have both in one meal: okay, potato yeah, potato! Oh, like really finely shaved yeah, all right, nice, okay, doll that looks thick and rich huge chicken curry for breakfast, too, it's bread! I love the vegetable dishes, the chicken curry. You can see how rich it is. The oil has just risen to the top and broken and just the all the spices in there, the mustard, the turmeric, let's start with the shabji. Well, it's not only potato.

It's like there's some squash or some pumpkins pumpkins in there yeah. It has a sweetness to it. It has just like a light blend of spice yeah, also eggplant eggplant, it's like so creamy. You really taste the cinnamon in there yeah, maybe the cumin seed, and then it's just like i mean i love dal.

I love the heartiness of it and that starchiness move on to the paratha another fried bread, let's layer, the layers and flakiness of it - and this is especially to you, with the potato and with the chicken too, with the potato with the potato. Okay, oh man, it's just like completely shredded in a very fine texture. Oh that's! So good again, the crispy flaky paratha that potato yeah, it's just like so fragrant, slightly caramelized and dish a lot of flavor yeah. Oh, it's wonderful! What a breakfast spread! Oh man! This is a rice flour, bread that you specifically with the chicken with the chicken.

Yes, nice drumstick, oh our chicken curry, is amazing. Oh it's just condensed, spice and flavor: oh wow, that's a flavor overdose! In the morning cumin and coriander the clove cardamom pods in there. The the cinnamon to kind of wrap it all together, so we're just wrapping up this incredible breakfast and we got ta. We got ta move soon right, yeah.

We need to get to the market right to buy fish for the next meal. The breakfast was amazing. We are walking through the street walking through the streets of kustia on our way to the bazaar to the main market, where we're gon na buy some ingredients, specifically some fish for lunch. Oh yeah welcome to the fish market.

This is the bazaar yeah. This is oh man, there's action and colors and animals all over the place. That is a big duck. Yes, they've got the fresh catch of the day here and uh.

A lot of the fish here are river fish because we're right next to the mage, some major river veins of bangladesh, love the bazaar, the fruits and vegetables, the sights and sounds the colors, the energy, english. Those are the english that we ate for breakfast whoa and he's showing me some river prawns. Wow nice people are so incredibly friendly. Everyone wants to show you their fresh catch and what they have helicopter catfish helicopter catfish yeah wall almost has a green skin future helicopter.

Cafe this is a helicopter, so we're also getting some of the helicopter catfish. Oh man. This is what an experience here at the market. It is just extreme action happening everywhere, and people are extremely friendly.
Helicopter catfish, okay, okay, okay, on the way out and now we're going to the man who's going to slice up the fish in another section of the market and so a razor sharp knife. The upright knife vertical knife style, where he just slices that fish scales it slices that fish into the variety of pieces that we need for the recipes guys. Yes, we're back at the house, we've got the fish and andy is gon na cook, some more dishes. All the dishes for lunch shallots be unbelievable.

Flavor, oh and this one is the jeera taste. I think jeera cumin, okay, that's crazy, yeah, because she starts. She starts with mustard oil right and then just immediately that, like it's it has this aroma. That's almost like horseradish, like wasabi, coming out of it yeah strong mustard oil, the mashed mustard seed man.

She adds in a variety of tastes, ajita paste and the sugar is simmering in ginger paste and also recipes what a recipe this is that delish yeah, the one you got from the market, so that recipe is just about done just needs to simmer for a little Bit and when the oil separates, it will be done that smells incredible and what an amazing dish that mustard is just incredible. It's ready, 10 minutes, yes and a masterpiece of elish right. The helicopter catfish next dish that we're making we call it boil. Yes, it's really a beautiful white meat fish again that we bought at the market.

Okay, oh thank you, coconut delivery, yeah! Thank you. My first questia coconut, oh with the aroma of the fish frying for this recipe. The fish is cooked, separate, but then well it's just like light. Fried then she's making a gravy with more spices.

That's then going to be combined with the fish, so the fish is just fried for that edge before it's combined with the gravy. What is this one? Onion paste and coriander so now the fish goes back into that gravy. What another stunning recipe and she just makes i love the way she cooks. She just makes everything look easy.

She knows exactly in her head and just it's just like effortless cooking, that she's doing she's, that's she's, an expert, oh and the aromas coming out of this kitchen are out of control, and i love how she finishes. Almost every dish with a sprinkle of whole green chilies, so this is the next recipe is with the catfish yeah right. We call it so that will remove some of the muddy taste of the freshwater catfish. For this recipe, the other catfish, it's a very similar recipe.

All of the ingredients, the shallots, the ginger, the garlic paste, the onion paste - makes the gravy and then she adds in all those spices, very similar recipe to the last curry, but this is with that other type of catfish. Really, this is another dish for the fish fry yeah to marinate it in for the deep frying which will make it crispy these small fish that she's going to marinate and deep fry to a crisp corn. Flour final fried fish. Thank you to auntie.
She has just been cooking all day long. She made so many dishes with such expertise and she, oh, she is amazing. I think the table is completely full. Everything is ready, all the fish, it's going to be a fish feast, we're heading back across the courtyard to the dining room to start eating.

Walmart start with rice. Thank you rasif. This is like a dozen different fish dishes on the table. Bengali.

Oh man. This is the ultimate home-cooked bengali fish feast going to start with the fried fish, because that's hot, that's fresh, that's as crispy maximum crispy as possible. Thank you. She fried these for probably 20 minutes or so until, like completely completely crispy, you can just eat the whole face and everything crunch all the way through it that'll just completely crushed me.

Oh yeah, the tail is really crispy. This one is fried tilapia this one. We can eat with the rice mash it in smash it in. You can see that turmeric coming up wonderful, too and again, just that, like faint aroma of the turmeric, but fried until crispy, and so this is a fish also, but dried fish yeah.

No! No! It's not dried, it's just like uh, fried foreign, fried until it dehydrates and kind of caramelizes right. You can see that it's just completely like stringy and has been fried until like completely caramelized. Actually, that's just straight caramelized fish. It's sticky! You can see the green chilies in there, the shallots again the onions in there yeah yeah, that is as caramelized as it looks.

Just we love this type of fish. You know yeah, that's really good wow. That is just extremely tasty. Oh this one! I'm really looking forward to it.

This is the helicopter catfish, which, again that entire gravy is a combination of you need to pour the gravy oil yeah, uh, plus, all of those different pastes, all of the different um, the ginger garlic, the onion paste. Oh man, it's just so incredibly aromatic. We call it the walmart the walmart. Yes, the balm, much oh wow, the cumin taste in there is just much like powering it.

It smells so good, it's so good, yeah, that's like incredible, and that fish that helicopter catfish just literally just melts in your mouth. It's buttery, it's flavorful, just like butter yeah, thank you, but before i rehydrate it yeah rehydrate. It reduce it with that that sauce, oh and immediately as you stir, you can smell the mustard just erupting out of it again. The green chilies that she tosses in and again he'll show for the second time today be careful of the bones again, but the just aroma of that mustard, paste and mustard oil.

That cheese is in here. So it's mustard on top of mustard, multiple dimensions of mustard, green chili. Oh i want to move over some of that gravy and the shallots have just melted into the entire gravy. Oh wow yeah, oh, the mustard is just this is the best.
Oh man, it tastes like you, just took an entire spoonful of dijon mustard with fish in your mouth, all at once and green chilies, the pungency of that mustard, the oil plus the paste that mustard on mustard, yeah. Okay, we need to re-up on the rice. The rice just goes down so easily: okay, next up for the catfish catfish, and this is uh again a similar recipe to some of those other curries, all those different pastes, the fish, the gravy, the shallot gravy, which is just melted into the oil plus the ginger Garlic plus all the turmeric plus, ah all the spices and the cumin paste. Oh, you can just feel that catfish how buttery it is too, how buttery how creamy it is.

Amazing too, it's just fish after fish, so this is actually a big fish that we saw in the market, but auntie already had one at the house. Oh man, thank you. Welcome again just melts in your mouth yeah. It has more fat and yeah because yeah, it's very fatty, very, very big.

It's very valuable, they're, more fat, but every every fish has its own texture and taste to it. Yeah right completely different taste, completely different. It's like a really really like pureed, spinach and, and you have to have it when the legion chooses yeah squeeze lime onto the spinach. That's such an amazing puree, there's green chilies already in it whoa and you can feel it's like slimy and sticky yeah and you mix again into your right hand, yes and then again chase it with a green chili.

That combination, although spinach, has a sweetness to it. Yeah and it's i think i can see the garlic in there yeah and garlicky. It has a bit of a slimy texture, but it's incredible. It just completely sticks to your fingers.

Okay, okay! Now the last button is dull. Oh yes, okay! That way, you ensure you fully clean your plate. Um yeah such a soothing ending to a meal, fish and rice bengal people. We love fish and rice fish and rice is just ingrained into every bengali person right right.

So we love fish. So this is only fitting that we are sitting here with a completely fish based feast for lunch today. That truly represents the culture, bangla food, bangla culture and bangla people. Yes right: oh yeah, okay, all right, the helicopter catfish two different vegetables here.

This is an okra cut, so fine okra, oh this is the bitter melon, okay bitter melon, i'm going in for that bitter melon and you can see how it's cut so thin to the point where all of that bitter melon is just caramelized, it's bitter, but it's Sweet this fish meat fish meat that mustard sauce is truly spectacular. Oh man, that was just an insanely tasty lunch. Thank you so much to andy for all of her cooking and we are gon na continue with this one day of food. It's actually it's gon na be every meal.

Breakfast lunch and dinner. Home-Cooked home-style real deal bengali food and we have dinner coming up next, but we're definitely gon na take a little bit of a rest and relaxation this afternoon and in a few hours we'll begin dinner. This is aloha with red chewy nice program with red chili, and this is what we got yeah. It's like uh, yes, smashed by the hand yeah.
This is chicken, and this is what we call it so rice and dal rice and dal, mostly cooked together. I like that, a lot of like spices and so for dinner tonight we're having one more special meal, so many good dishes, so many aromas almost time to eat dinner, smashing the coriander, onions and green chilies tomatoes. Oh yes, and there's the salad, carrots, carrots and cucumber the hand smash. No, no, no, not just the celery one of my favorites.

You have to add ghee on top of it yeah on top of the kitchen, so you're really gon na smash it up as well. Yeah yeah the warm ghee, the rice is so moist and fluffy and mix it with some of that mix with everything everything mix with everything little bit of everything a little bit, because it is a little bit hot. Okay, not spicy, not again, with eggplant with everything, yeah everything, that's excellent! That's the ticket! Yeah like this. Okay, it's all yeah! It's stuck together! Yeah! You know it's it's the test.

It's ready to be eaten. Okay, it's very good, very good! Oh yeah! All the coriander seed and turmeric in the rice that sprinkle of ghee the creamy eggplant, oh the dried chilies, yeah yeah, that's wonderful! This one is different right yeah, with the dried chili yeah, with the dried chili with the mustard oil with the coriander seeds. That's just cooked with so much home, yeah home love when it rims. We love it good.

Thank you and we are going for the after this mango. I love fermented, probably fermented mangoes and eat that, together with the kachorian with the chicken right - yes so mix it all together, right grab some of that chicken grab some of that mango pickle, don't want to grab too much of that mango pickle because it can be Quite salty right right, like a preserve, so just a little bit to add to your flavor smash again, oh wow, again, a completely different flavor profile change with that mango pickle. Yes, with the chicken we love different flavor profiles in every single meal. We have the mashing yeah the mixing, the mixing in the mac like.

If you just eat it with the eggplant, it will feel different and if you mix them all together, it will feel different. Different bites: yeah different bites, flavors that mustard oil that changes everything the juiciness of all those vegetables, the tartness of the tomato and the onions another just stunning meal, traditional bro. It has been an amazing day of food and we had every meal from breakfast to lunch. That fish feast to a special dinner and he is, without a doubt, one of the greatest cooks in christia, and that was just uh an amazing day, amazing food and the hospitality of bangladesh man.
It's just incredible. People are so welcoming they just made us feel like we are family, a huge thank you to rasif and ipsha from pittu couple for arranging this at their family's home and to all of our friends. Everyone joining us and sharing in this amazing day, and then i want to say a big thank you for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed.

It also remember to click subscribe for lots more food and travel videos and also remember to watch the rest of the videos we traveled around bangladesh ate some amazing food be sure to check out the rest of the videos in this series as well and i'll. Have the link in the description box below thanks again for watching goodbye from bangladesh good night? And i will see you on the next video.

By Mark

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